
Tips on moving to Austria


Make sure that each family member's passport is valid for at least 6 months at the time of your departure. Non-EU-citizens need a passport valid for a minimum of one or two years, depending on the type of permit.

Make certified photocopies of all passports. Leave one copy with a trusted person in your home country and bring the other copy with you to Austria. These copies can be helpful in case of loss or theft of the original passport.


Do not forget to bring the original versions of all relevant documents – passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, medical documents, driving license. Non-EU nationals must present their papers on arrival.

Keep important documents in your hand luggage!​

Medical care

Get a medical check-up before leaving your home country. Do not forget to see your dentist!

While Austria offers excellent medical care, it may require some time to find doctors you feel completely confident in. If you rely on regular medication, be sure to bring your prescriptions with you.


In Austria it is crucial to be immunised against tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) - FSME or Frühsommer Meningo-Enzephalitis in German – a virus spread by ticks. The immunisation is carried out by every GP in Austria.

Change of Address​

Make sure that your mail will be sent to your new address in Austria. If you do not yet have a permanent address in Austria, consider asking a person you trust in your home country to collect your mail and forward it to you temporarily.


Ensure you have adequate funds to cover expenses until you have opened a bank account in Austria. It is advisable to carry some cash while in Austria.

Important Note: debit or credit card cash withdrawals are subject to daily limits.

Electricity/ sockets/ adapters

The power supply in Austria operates at 220 Volts/50Hz. Austrian plugs typically feature two round pins and use Type F sockets. Make sure you have an international travel adapter for your electrical devices. Depending on your equipment, you may also need a transformer to adjust the voltage. Always check the device's compatibility before plugging it in.

If you are bringing your TV set to Austria, check in advance if it will work in Europe by reading the operating instructions.

Your moving to Austria checklist

2 months before moving​

2 months before moving​

  • Determine which expenses the company covers and which you must handle.
  • Obtain quotes from transport companies and ensure your relocated goods are insured. Before the transport company assesses your home for a quote, know which furniture and belongings you will take with you.
  • Arrange storage facilities in your home country for items you want to keep, but do not want to bring to Austria.
  • If bringing pets, request a transport quote and learn about required vaccinations
  • If bringing your car, obtain transport quotes and detailed cost and import tax information
  • Schedule a medical check-up before leaving your home country, including a dental visit! While Austria offers excellent medical care, finding doctors you fully trust may take time. Bring prescriptions if you require regular medication.
  • For EU/EEA/Swiss citizens, ensure each family member's passport is valid for at least 6 months. Non-EU citizens need a passport valid for a minimum of one or two years, depending on the permit type.
  • Organise essential documents for Austria: birth and marriage certificates, school reports, insurance cards, and medical records. Bring them in your hand luggage!
  • Cancel the rental agreement of your apartment / house in time – read your contract!
  • Inform your children's school or kindergarten about your move.
  • Cancel contracts in good time, such as internet, telephone, mobile phone, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, insurance policies.
  • Cancel or suspend memberships at fitness clubs and other organisations.
  • Once your arrival date is confirmed, begin searching for temporary accommodation.
1 month to 2 weeks before moving

1 month to 2 weeks before moving

  • Begin to pack infrequently used items. Label the boxes and keep an inventory list.
  • Return borrowed items and library books.
  • Retrieve clothes from the laundry/ dry cleaning, and collect shoes and other items from repair services.
  • Inform your bank about the move. However, do not close your account until 3 to 6 months after your move.
  • Begin consuming perishable food items to minimise waste.

1 week before moving

1 week before moving

  • Make a list of the items that you will need in Austria in the first few weeks, including those you wish to bring yourself. Keep in mind that transporting your belongings may take several weeks, as well as the time it may take to find a new permanent address.
  • Remember to check the shed/ cellar for items you want to take with you.
  • Take pictures of your furniture, paintings and other transported objects, to document their condition in case of damage during transit.
  • Confirm arrangements and dates with the transport company and other services such as pet or car transportation. Double-check bookings for flights and temporary accommodation.
  • Ensure you have all necessary items and equipment ready for the final cleaning of your home, such as vacuum cleaner, detergents and cleaning products.
  • Empty and clean the freezer.
  • Ensure sufficient funds to cover expenses until you open a bank account in Austria. It is advisable to carry some cash in Austria, as daily withdrawal limits may apply for debit and credit cards.
  • Settle outstanding bills before departure.
1 to 2 days before moving

1 to 2 days before moving

  • Empty and clean the refrigerator and oven.
  • Pack personal belongings that will not be picked up by the transport company.
Moving day

Moving day

  • Verify your contact information and delivery dates with the moving company.
  • Oversee the transport company's activities and ensure all boxes are properly labelled.
  • Clean the apartment/ house.
  • Check all devices are switched off, windows are closed, and doors are locked.
  • Leave the keys with the new tenants or caretakers of the house and exchange contact information.


Download a printable PDF of the moving to Austria checklist to help you with your move.

Austria facts and figures


  • Austria is a landlocked country located in Central Europe, sharing borders with Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and Liechtenstein.

  • It is a member state of the European Union (EU), and covers an area of approximately 83,879 square kilometers (32,386 square miles).

  • Population of Austria is approximately 9.2 million inhabitants.

  • The official currency of Austria is the Euro (EUR).

  • German is the official language of Austria.


  • Vienna (Wien) is the capital city of Austria, and also a province of Austria.

  • Austria comprises nine provinces: Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Carinthia, Tyrol and Vorarlberg.

  • With 2 million inhabitants, Vienna is the largest city in Austria and also the second largest – after Berlin – in the German-speaking countries.

  • Other major cities are Graz, Linz and Salzburg.
High standard of living

High standard of living

Vienna consistently ranks among the best places to live in the world. According to a recent report by Mercer (2023), Vienna took first place for providing a high quality of living for international employees.

The Vienna district map highlights the 23 districts of the city, each with their own personalities. Vienna is rich in history, culture and beauty. Moreover, high living standards and relative affordability compared to other major European cities, renders Vienna an attractive location to expatriates.

Vienna cost of living

While living costs can vary due to individual circumstances and lifestyle choices, Vienna generally offers a high standard of living at a reasonable price. Factors contributing to Vienna's affordability include:

  • Housing costs: Rental and property prices in Vienna are typically lower than in other major European cities like London, Paris, or Zurich. However, prices can vary depending on location and type of accommodation. Up-to-date information on rental rates can be found here.
  • Public transport: Vienna has an efficient and affordable public transportation system, including buses, trams, and subways, making it easy and economical to travel around the city.
  • Healthcare: Austria has a high-quality healthcare system that is accessible to residents, including expatriates. While healthcare costs exist, they are generally more affordable compared to some other countries.
  • Cultural and recreational activities: Vienna offers a wealth of cultural attractions, parks, and recreational activities that are often free or reasonably priced, allowing residents to enjoy a high quality of life affordably.
  • Food and Dining: While dining out in Vienna can range from affordable to high-end, there are many options for budget-friendly meals, including traditional Viennese cafes and eateries offering local cuisine at reasonable prices.

More information on cost of living in Vienna can be found on Numbeo.